27. My Glasses are Ready

Davin Ci Cerchio
3 min readSep 7, 2022

I don’t mind doing chores these days, because I always double it up with something else.

In this instant, this morning, I have doubled up my chores with the listening to podcasts.
What a delight it has been to have time to listen to my huge archive of podcasts.

I think I subscribe to somewhere between 65 to 75 different podcasts.
That equates to well in excess of 110 episodes a week because a lot of those podcasts do Monday-to-Friday coverage or sometimes even 7-day-a-week coverage.
I never get through them all, but it does mean that there’s always something to look forward to.

So yes, a morning of chores and indeed I will have an afternoon of many more hours given over to more chores but they are chores that need doing.

I’m having to think ahead because I’m travelling a couple of times this month.
I have a trip coming up to Madrid.
And I get back home and very quickly turn around and have to go off to Paris.

In fact, Paris gave me quite a meltdown earlier when I realised how many days I was going to be there for and within that realised that I didn’t have a wardrobe that would cover off all the events during the days and the evenings that I was there.
That will be a bit of a challenge.

And then as I took time out for lunch, — barbecue spare ribs today — I had a little bit of time to turn to that project that I’ve been working on.

I’m really pleased I’ve decided to give myself a little bit more time working on it, bringing an element of finesse to it.

So with a little bit of time I had as my lunch readied I worked on one of the six projects as it has now blossomed into since yesterday’s original idea.

I’ll spend some more time on that today.

And then over the next few days, address perhaps hopefully, more knowledgeably, the other five outstanding ideas that spread across different genres.

My glasses are ready.
If you go back into the … it almost feels like archives now… previous articles… in fact, I think it was some of my original articles, 20–25 articles ago, I wrote about having to go to an opticians.
That was only a week ago, a week and a half ago maybe.
And the glasses are ready.
I’m really excited to get them.

I value my sight enormously.
I use it to watch people.
I use it to help me with my writing.
And I use it with regard to photography and indulging in the beauty of the world.

Hopefully, I will have the glasses before I started travelling, although my schedule is a little tight in allowing me to go and pick them up.

Still, it is good to know that they are there. Ready and waiting.
How exciting!

